Message from the Principal
We are a movement of people from different walks of life. There is no us or them, no beneficiary or benefactor. Each of us is both.
Shri Rakesh Malviya
The Palriwala Educational Research and Training Society (PERTS) is helping young students and unemployed men and women from under-privileged society to stand on their feet by acquiring skills in different vocational training programmes.
Our founder, the late Shri Gajanand Palriwala, started his mission in 2005-06 with a batch of 20 students in a rented building. Now it has grown into two prestigious skill development centres of the Shekhawati region along with unique features, such as diversified formal (NCVT affiliated) courses, Short term Vocational Courses, courses linked to flagship schemes of state and central government, industry linkages and MOUs.
We obtain near cent percent board examination’s result and look with pride and happiness at the success stories and smiling faces of our alumnae. We feel we are now able to fulfil our ‘Barozgari se Azadi ka Vaada’ on which we campaign. All at PERTS work on mission mode for ‘Skilling for Livelihood’, putting in all efforts for improvement of life of our aspirants and trainees. We are fortunate to have kind, eminent and experienced members in our Governing Body and Local Management Committee to help and guide us to realising our vision.
With the help of dedicated trainers, instructors, the beneficiaries are exposed to practical skills in various vocational and industrial skills. Trainees get hands-on experience in the campus and with other organisations and develop the ability and confidence to work independently. We believe that they can be placed for employment immediately after completion of our training programmes. We keep track of the achievements of alumni and help them to prosper in the field and develop careers in life and be successful in life.
I strongly appeal to the youngster to join these futuristic and employment focussed, Industrial and Vocational programmes for unlimited and life changing opportunities.